Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin

Rating: 10/10

Date Finished: 2023-09-05

Learning is the process of carving thoughtful patterns into your mind. These become the paths with which intuition races, paving your way to greater complexity. To carve these paths, start with fundamental principles. Use them to build a solid foundation, then expand and refine your repertoire. Keep in touch with the essence of your discipline and leverage personal predispositions.

This book is what self-help books aspire to be. It's practical yet thought provoking, providing much more than just an approach to learning more effectively. A way to see this is through Josh's notion of quality - a high level of presence and enjoyment in all aspects of life - which helps reinforce further quality in learning and competition.

This book is paired well with Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig which introduces the notion of quality that Josh develops.

For more information, check out The Art of Learning.

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